The more times you file a claim, the greater the likelihood of your insurance rate going up. This is the way we, as insurance companies, ensure that our policyholders are not simply taking advantage of the coverage. What’s more, filing a claim means stress on your part because something went wrong and you have to deal with it.
This is why we offer Loss Control programs. With these, you can identify and reduce the risks associated with your business.
You don’t want to wait until the hurricane season is upon you to start preparing your business for disaster. Disaster preparedness not only allows you to get back on your feet easier, but it also helps you save money.
To prepare your business for hurricanes, here are some of our planning tips and suggestions:
For a more detailed hurricane preparation checklist, click here. We also covered a post-hurricane checklist, which you can read here.
Joseph Chiarello & Co., Inc. has been serving in the industry for over 40 years. The past four decades have given us the insights and capabilities to create insurance solutions that meet your business needs quickly and cost-effectively.
With our insurance programs underwritten by the best carriers globally, we have established ourselves as one of the most trustworthy gun insurance companies in the industry. The coverage this provides is written on admitted policies, which are protected by the insurance department of the state where they were drawn up.
This method provides your firearms business its much-needed long-term security.
Call Now: 800-526-2199. Or submit your inquiry below. We look forward to having the opportunity to work with you!